Mexican avocados are at the tail end of the season. They have been on the tree for a longer time and are more mature, meaning they ripen quicker, have a higher oil content and should be eaten firm. The flavor is outstanding this time of year but don’t wait until they are too soft, or they will be rancid. A sign of a very mature avocado with a high oil content is when the green/yellow flesh turns to a duller, almost mustard color.
A new crop of California Hass avocados is underway. As we eagerly await the California season to get going, we must be patient. Buyers should be aware of the avocado growing cycles and know that they can be disappointed with an early crop. The cycle of maturation, no matter where avocados are grown in the world, means the early crop will have low oil content, low flavor, and uneven inconsistent ripening. The trees are full of fruit and in order to continue to size and produce, the tree needs to be relieved of their burden to make room for the next more flavorful picking. The oil content will develop as they mature with each picking. Each year the timing is different, and the weather can have a major impact on how it ripens and availability.