The large Intennza Papaya has a melon-like flavor, fragrant aroma and beautiful salmon red interior. The flesh is firm, but juicy, with one of the sweetest and least acidic flavors of any papaya variety. Intennza Papayas are best eaten when it has ripened at room temperature until its green skin is spotted with yellow-orange highlights.
Papayas are easy to cut and enjoy!
· Cut Papayas in half
· Scoop out the seeds
· Eat the pulp with a spoon OR
· Cut papaya into long slices (like a melon)
· Add a squeeze of lime for a more flavorful eating experience!
Incredible Health Benefits
· Papayas contain the super enzyme Papain which helps break down protein, aids in digestion and detoxifies the body
· Papayas are fat-free and loaded with nutrients, including vitamin A & E, antioxidants, folate, beta carotene, potassium, calcium and magnesium
· Just one cup of papaya contains the daily vitamin C requirement
Storage and Ripening Tips
· To speed up ripening, wrap the papaya in paper.
· Store green papayas at room temperature
· Ripe papayas can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 5 days