Traceland avocados out of Morro Bay came on a month earlier than usual with a small and fast season. “It was an alternate bearing year compounded with loosing a lot of blooms due to cool spring weather, “ said Ron. Next year he is expecting a bumper crop, weather dependent.
Traceland is located in Morro Bay near the ocean on the central coast and about 20 miles northwest of San Luis Obispo where the unique geography and climate allows year round growing conditions without high heat or killing frosts. Cayucos sits in a small area of coastal land defined by the Santa Lucia mountains to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. The ocean cools the hot summers and warms the cold winters. The land is bisected at various places along its length by wild creeks that flow unimpeded from the coast range to the ocean providing the copious amounts of water avocado trees need to fruit.
Ron Trace-In the middle, Jesse Trace-On the right
Ron, Gail and their twin sons moved to Cayucos in 1998 from Chicago. In 2005 they planted their 6 acre avocado orchard with a goal to grow organic avocados as sustainably as possible. The avocado trees are planted on natural slopes and not man made terraces, which affects the drainage. He also puts down composted manures, organic minerals and wood chip mulches to fertilize the trees. Cover crops of native grasses are used to produce natural nitrogen, honey bees are used for fruit production and predator insects for biological disease control. Weeds are pulled by hand and they even trap gophers by hand.
Traceland is also unique because they hand pick all of the avocados and deliver them to Earl’s within 24 hours of picking. The flavor is very creamy and rich in oil content. Don’t miss out on the limited Traceland avocados before they disappear until next year.
Jesse from Traceland Avocados
Remember that a late season California avocado will be very mature, high in oil and needs to be eaten firm. Soon we will see Mexican avocados starting to show up in your grocery store. Buyer beware! Mexican avocados are the first of the season and will eat differently. They will not be as flavorful as a California avocado and can ripen unevenly.