• NEW!

    Side Hill Citrus Satsumas
    • Chestnuts
    HGO California Kiwis
    Montecucco Rutabaga


    Anna’s Red Napa Cabbage mid-week


    • Cantaloupe (MX)
    • Star Ruby and Rio Red Grapefruit
    • Quince (Wednesday)
    • Pomegranate Arils (end of week)


    • Romas
    • Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine, and Iceberg Lettuce
    • Broccoli
    • Crimini Mushrooms
    • Hot Peppers

  • gapping

    Ralph’s and Terra Firma Bunched Gold Beets
    • Jumbo Carrots
    • Red Grape Tomatoes
    • Red and Green Little Gem Lettuce


    • Fresh Jujubes
    HGO Hachiyas
    • California Keitts
    Tutti Frutti Mixed Heirlooms

  • finished

    • California Avocados
    • Figs
    Wilgenburg Bulk Persians


Updated November 6, 2022


We are in the midst of seasonal changes. The Sierras are seeing their first snow and rain is forecast starting this weekend throughout California. As always, we are keeping an eye on quality. Many consecutive days of rain can lead to mildew issues on row crops. The rain and cool weather coming will drastically decrease volume on Baby Sweet Broccoli. Expect limited harvest of field grown Tutti Frutti Heirloom Tomatoes in Buellton, Santa Barbara County. Baby Bok Choy market is tightening up as weather turns cold in Watsonville. Good supply expected from Anna’s through the week. Citrus growers may need to wait until the fruit dries out to pick because the moisture in the fruit can cause skin issues and breakdown. California Strawberries will slow way down with the rain and we may see a gap.  Stay tuned for updates. 

Jumbo Carrots will gap until the middle of November when Cal-O starts up with product harvested in the desert. 

Update from Lakeside Organic: Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine, and Iceberg grown organically and conventionally has been hit hard by INSV. This disease is causing us to lose up to 60% of our lettuce crops in the field. This is affecting conventional as well as organic, creating a large gap in supply. The increasing demand and lack of supplies has caused prices to skyrocket on these items. In many cases, at these high prices, shippers are sold out and cannot fill orders. It is important to note even at these high prices most shippers including ourselves, will struggle to break even on our lettuce this season. These high prices will not make up for the monetary loses we are facing on the farm due to INSV. I want you to know, we here at Lakeside will do all we can to keep our regular lettuce customers in supply to the best of our ability at market pricing. The markets are expected to climb as we get deeper into the holiday season. Please be aware that pro rates, price changes, and flat-out cuts are possible at any time due to this act of God. Unfortunately, we don’t see this getting any better until we transition to the desert around December 1st. Hang in there, we will get through this together.

Cooler days and the holidays call for baking and entertaining. 

Did you know that Dried Black Raisins are the largest and plumpest raisins? Fantastic for snacking as well as baking. Red, Black and Green Raisin Canisters from Sunview are delicious and available in 12/15oz cans. Vacuum-packed canisters offer a long shelf life.

Don’t miss our Nut category with Bulk Almonds, Bulk Halves/Pieces and Whole Walnuts and Bagged Pistachios in shell. NEW! Chestnuts arrive just in time to kick off the week. Sweet and meaty, chestnuts are a fall favorite. Read our latest Vegucation for tips to cooking and eating chestnuts.




Side Hill Citrus Satsumas herald in the citrus season



Full Club Apple class with Ambrosia, Envy, Opal, SugarBee and Jazz. Learn how farmers can join the club and download Earl’s Club Apple Guide.

We are seeing the last of the Import New Zealand Apples.

Braeburns, Honeycrisp and Granny Smith make a delicious apple pie! Flavor and texture are the most important things to consider. The goal is a type of apple that will soften in the oven until tender, yet keep its shape and maintain some textural bite, rather than becoming a mushy, mealy mess. We recommend having fun and mixing and matching apple varieties. 

Don’t miss Cuyama snack size Lady Apples - Fuji, Gala and Granny Smith and the Crimson Gold Crab Apple.


Equal Exchange (MX) are small coop grown Avocados. Available pre-conditioned and green. California Traceland Avocados are finished.


The dry season in Mexico means you won’t be seeing paraffin wraps on the crowns (used to prevent crown rot) – but we will continue to see the wrap on fruit from Ecuador.


Blackberries: GreenBelle out of Mexico.

Blueberries: Forbidden struggling with the cold weather and it will be light inventory through December. Expect prices to increase. GreenBelle pints (Peru) will go through the holidays.

Strawberries: Rain this week will slow down Strawberry production.

Raspberries: Fresh Kampo (MX) has good flavor and color. GreenBelle (MX) starting up out of Baja.

Cranberries: One more shot of Bulk Cranberries! Pre-orders are appreciated. GreenBelle Biodynamic Cranberries are grown in Wisconsin. Biodynamic agriculture treats the farm, including soil, plants and animals, as a single interrelated and self-sustaining ecosystem. All fresh cranberries are dry harvested once a year between mid-September through early November. Learn how they are harvested.

Mammoth Kiwi, cut


Side Hill Citrus Satsumas herald in the citrus season. The first land had excellent flavor! Grower Rick Ferreira is anticipating a good season. California Valencia Oranges are your best bet now for juicing and will be around for another week or two depending on supply, demand and the weather. Valencias from Mexico starting up this week. Even through California Navel Oranges start up in late October we recommend eating when the flavor is great, which happens around the holiday season. Navels are best eaten out of hand and should only be juiced if enjoyed immediately because of the bitter compound Limonin found in the white pith.

Lemons out of Mexico will have plenty of volume through December. A new crop of lemons is now coming out of the desert and looking beautiful! We can look forward to the volume coming on a little stronger as prices have already declined. Ruby Grapefruits are back from RVO. Rio Red have started up out of desert with Flames not far behind.

Yuzu has a tart, sour taste and has been described as similar to a grapefruit with overtones of orange and lemon. In fact, the flavor and incredibly aromatic fragrance is unique and difficult to describe and must be experienced to understand its lure. Yuzu is rarely eaten out of hand and is highly coveted for the aromatic zest and tart juice.



Full swing on Persimmons. Terra Firma volume filled Fuyus are a great deal. Hachiya are on Earl’s Weekly Specials while supplies last. Pomegranates have had outstanding quality. Eco grade are lighter color and a great value. Quince returning Wednesday out of Eugene, Oregon. Quince has very hard and bumpy green/yellowish skin that looks like a cross between a pear and an apple. But beware! Do not try to bite into it like an apple, the tart and astringent flesh demands to be cooked before eating. Read more on our Vegucation highlight.


Red, Green and Black Seedless Grapes through Thanksgiving with sharp quality and excellent flavor! Then green and black will be done and red seedless grapes will carry us through Christmas.


New Zealand Gold Kiwis for another few weeks. Homegrown California Mammoth Kiwis have started up out of Porterville. Available in 20/1# (3-4 kiwis per clamshell) and Volume Fill. Ask your Earl’s Sales Rep for a clamshell sample. An eye-catching piece of fruit perfect to highlight next to your bulk display. Meet the Mammoth Kiwi growers in the field.

No large sized Mini Seedless Watermelons. Cantaloupes (MX) 12ct are back in good supply. Honeydew remain tight.


We have an array of wonderful varieties to try. Out of the Pacific Northwest look to Abate Fetel, Bartlett, Comice, Concorde, D’Anjou, Golden Bosc, Red Bartlett and Starkrimson. Shinko Asian Pears from HGO are crisp like an apple and juicy like a pear.


California Keitts are wrapping up the season. Grab the last of these buttery smooth local mangos. Tommy Atkins (Ecuador) are starting up with a beautiful blush. May see some Dragon Fruit (Mexico). Formosa and Intennza Papayas have excellent flavor.



Anna’s Red Napa Cabbage
arriving mid-week!


Anna’s Watermelon Gherkins


Anna’s Watermelon Radish


A bit light this week with good supply from JMB (MX) through the holiday season.


Cooler weather and rain has tightened up supply.

baby bok choy

Lakeside is sizing up smaller. Anna’s has good volume with minor pest pressure. Prices are going up.

varietal beans

Dwelley(Brentwood) has two more weeks left on Green Beans, weather depending, overlapping with Covilli out of Mexico. Varietal Beans should wrap by the end of the week.


Minimal pin rot industry wide. 

sweet baby Broccoli

Rain and cool weather coming will drastically decrease volume.

brussels sprouts

Limited availability on bags.


NEW Anna’s Red Napa Cabbage mid-week.


Sunrise flush on all varieties of carrots for all of November. Rainbow, Purple and Yellow. Ralph’s Nantes and Rainbow will compliment Sunrise.


Remains tight and expensive! Romanesco is a wonderful substitute until Cauliflower numbers are back.



Prices are stable.


Divine Fair Trade Slicers along with plenty of Euros. Wilgenburg Bulk Persians are done.


Globe with sporadic availability on Graffiti.


Sun Valley Red Kale is playing a little catch up. Good supply on Green and Lacinato Kale.


Pre-order your herbs for Thanksgiving. Display shippers are available. Ask your Earl’s sales rep for information.


Iceberg prices are starting to rise. Green and Red Butter and Green Leaf steady from Cal-O. Red Leaf and Romaine sizing up small and inventory is tight. Lakeside Red Leaf is a great choice and looks fantastic! Organicgirl Romaine and Spinach products are tight.


Ralph’s (WA) has good supply on gorgeous Leeks with long white shanks.


Criminis are historically tight as we head into Thanksgiving. Get your customers excited about different mushroom varieties. Shiitake make a wonderful substitute for Crimini mushrooms. Add Wild Mushrooms to stuffing or sauté for a side dish. Think meaty Oysters and Trumpet or the wonderfully adaptable Maitake. Download Earl’s fresh and dried mushroom guides.

bell peppers

All Choice Bells are a little tight. Mexican product will provide some relief in a few weeks. Don’t miss the stunning Purple Bell Pepper from Sunrise Farms.


hot peppers

Starting up out of Mexico with Jalapenos, followed by Anaheims.


No Organic Pearl Onions available. Green Onion prices are finally seeing some relief starting the front side of the week.


Bouchey Bagged Fingerlings are done. Tasteful Selections will be the only vendor with Bagged Fingerlings. Bouchey Bulk Fingerlings are limited.

summer squash

California is done. Covilli flush with plenty of Zucchini through Thanksgiving.

sweet potatoes

Holiday pricing is on the way, starting early November! Download the Sweet Potato Guide.


Mixed Heirlooms from Covilli are tight. Rain will slow down the Tutti Frutti Mixed Heirloom deal. Romas and Red Grape Tomato Clamshells are back!

winter squash

Red Kuri, Carnival and Orangetti are limited. Plenty of all other varieties: Acorn, Butternut, Buttercup, Black Futsu, Delicata, Honeynut (the think skin is edible), Kabocha, Spaghetti, Sweet Dumpling and Tetsukabuto.