fair trade bananas
all about fair trade bananas
Did you know Earl’s is a Banana House?
We carry Fair Trade Bananas year-round.
Bananas are a cornerstone for any retailer and a staple in most American diets. The U.S. is the largest importer of bananas and the demand for Organic Bananas only continues to grow.
Here at Earl’s we support a better banana.
We offer Fair Trade Bananas year-round, bringing you superior flavor, in-house conditioning to order, and daily photos so you can make the right choice. Not all bananas are grown equally, nor are all farmworkers treated with respect and fair compensation despite their hard work. There’s an important story behind our Fair Trade Bananas and the folks who grow them! Read on for more.
every fair trade purchase matters
What makes Fair Trade so powerful is the positive impact it has on farming communities around the world. Fair Trade empowers farmers and farm workers to lift themselves out of poverty by developing the skills necessary to compete in the global marketplace.
Fair Trade Certified products combine a fair price for farming families with rigid environmental standards. This means that Fair Trade Certified products are some of the most sustainable on the market, while simultaneously raising the standard of living for millions of people around the world.
fair trade principles
Fair Labor Conditions
Workers on Fair Trade farms enjoy sustainable wages, safe working conditions, access to healthcare, regulated working hours, rest and sick days, as well as freedom of association. Forced child and slave labor are strictly prohibited and access to education for workers’ children is verified.
Fair Trade Premium
A few extra cents paid by the consumer – the Fair Trade Premium – will allow for democratically chosen projects to become a reality in farm worker communities.
Democratic and Transparent Organizations
Fair Trade farmers and workers decide democratically how to invest the Fair Trade premiums. These are funds specifically designed for community development.
Community Development
Workers invest the Fair Trade Premium in social and business development projects like scholarships, schools, improving their quality of life and leadership training.
Environmental Sustainability
Fair Trade promotes environmentally sustainable farming methods that protect workers’ health, preserve valuable ecosystems and safeguard the livelihoods of local communities now and in the future.
What is the Fair Trade Premium
and how does it work?
Every Fair Trade purchase empowers farm workers to improve their communities by deciding as a collective how and when to invest the Fair Trade premium. Choosing Fair Trade means supporting standards and actions that put more power in the hands of workers themselves.
How exactly does Fair Trade benefit the workers?
A few extra cents paid by the consumer – the Fair Trade Premium - will allow for democratically chosen projects to become a reality in farm worker communities; whether it’s a bus for the High School students, dental services or a multipurpose room, this benefit will bring empowerment through decision making and project execution. The Premium that is added to the cost of produce goes directly in its entirety to the bank account of the Workers Association. How can the workers use the Fair Trade Premium? One of the most important aspects of Fair Trade is: funds are specifically designated for social, economic and environmental development projects. The workers are the ones who know what’s best for their own community and Fair Trade USA and Fair Trade International have enabled a democratic system for the community to decide how and when the Premium will be invested.
How can the workers use the Fair Trade Premium?
One of the most important aspects of Fair Trade is: funds are specifically designated for social, economic and environmental development projects. The workers are the ones who know what’s best for their own community and Fair Trade USA and Fair Trade International have enabled a democratic system for the community to decide how and when the Premium will be invested.
Can the grower use part of the Premiums?
Absolutely NOT. The funds CANNOT be used to invest in the company’s property or cover company’s expenses (wages, operation, supplies, etc.) Benefits are exclusively for the workers, by the workers. The grower IS responsible for covering all Fair Trade Certification and promotional expenses.
How often is the Premium paid to the Workers Association?
Through a transparent process that is traceable and audited by Fair Trade USA or Fair Trade International the grower has assumed the responsibility of paying, on a monthly basis, the correct amount of Fair Trade Premium to the Workers Association bank account. Being able to track and verify the correct movements of the Premium from the moment a sale takes place until the deposit is made is a critical audit criteria.
the fair trade banana process
Discover exactly how bananas are grown … from the field to pack house to shipping to our ripening rooms!
retailer marketing toolkit
Join us in charting a better banana course! We have the tools to help you succeed. Check out our downloads below and let your Earl’s Sales Rep know if you have any questions or suggestions.