Over 99% of the grapes grown commercially in the United States are from California. Grapes are grown in the 450 mile long by 50 mile wide area between Sacramento and the San Joaquin Valley regions and in the Coachella Valley in Riverside County. Grape Season begins in May down in Coachella Valley which includes Palm Springs and the Salton Sea, with early varieties like the seedless red Flame and the seedless green Thompson. As the weather gets hotter in July the San Joaquin valley starts producing varieties such as the seedless green Sugarone, Valley Pearl and Stella Bella, seedless Black Sable and Summer Royal and seedless red Sparkle, Krissy, Allison and Timco.
Thomcords are a summer favorite! A cross between Thompson grapes (crunchy, sweet and seedless) and Concord grapes (deep purple color, classic grape flavor) which gives you the best of both varieties. In a few weeks we will see seeded Concord grapes, the essence of grape jelly, from Heinke Farms in Paradise, California.
Thomcord Grapes
Grape season may make it all the way to January with red seedless Crimson and the black seedless Autumn Royal as the last two varieties. There are over 80 varieties grown in California and more are constantly being developed.
Grapes are always picked ripe and do not ripen off the vine. Look for grapes with green, pliable stems and plump berries. See a powdery-white coating on the grapes? That’s bloom and it’s good! Bloom is a naturally occurring substance that protects grapes from moisture loss and decay.
Storage Tips:
Grapes keep for up to two weeks when stored and handled properly. Grapes should always be refrigerated to maximize shelf life. Store grapes unwashed and rinse before eating. Like most berries, grapes tend to absorb odors. Try to avoid storing them next to things like green onions or leeks.
Recipe Ideas:
All grapes are also delicious as a frozen snack, tossed in a salad or served on a cheese platter. You can find more recipe inspiration at