Refreshing Dragon Fruit is a delicious superfood. It is also known as pitaya, pitahaya, or strawberry pear. The flesh has edible seeds, and the flavor is slightly sweet and tastes like a cross between a kiwi and a pear.
It was brought by merchants to Antilles, Philippines, and Asia in the XVII century; from there it extended to Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and Israel. When it was introduced in Asia, a legend emerged which said, when a dragon is beaten in battle he would throw its last puff of fire, and out of it emerged the Dragon Fruit. It is said that whoever ate it would have increased strength and worth.
How to eat: The soft skin is very easy to cut through. Cut the fruit lengthwise in half and scoop out the flesh or peel back the skin and cut the fruit into bite sized pieces.
Variety of Colors: Dragon Fruit comes in a range of colors from Pink Skin/White Flesh, Pink Skin/Pink Flesh, Pink Skin/Magenta Flesh and Yellow Skin/White Flesh. The white and pink flesh varieties have the most mild flavor, magenta has hints of berry and the yellow skinned is the sweetest.
Recipe tips! Freeze dragon fruit for a smoothie, add cut up dragon fruit on top of an acai bowl, add to a salsa, make popsicles or a delicious fruit salad.
Fantastic Health Benefits:
Rich in antioxidants
The seeds in the pulp helps digestion
The seeds contain essential fatty acids such as omega-3 which help prevent and fight heart diseases
High in fiber, which is an effective complement in weight control
Reduces bowel inflammation which helps battle liquid retainment and regulate blood pressure
Contains high levels of vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B, C and E, which are key in battling diseases such as anemia and osteoporosis
Best of all, it's delicious!