Spring brings Green Garlic, also known as young garlic or spring garlic. Green garlic is harvested young before the bulbs develop or dry out.  It is harvested at the beginning of spring so its immature bulb and edible, soft green stalks can be used for their slight onion and garlic flavor. Green garlic can look similar to spring onions but if you take a quick sniff it will have a wonderful smell of garlic. The leaves are flat unlike spring onions which have tubular leaves.

How to store: Wrap in a damp paper towel and place in a plastic bag in the refrigerator or in a glass with a little water.

Cooking: Use green garlic in any recipe you would use garlic or green onions. It has a milder, fresher and sweeter taste than regular garlic. The green garlic bulb and stalks can be eaten cooked or uncooked, making them a flavorful addition to any recipe. Add green garlic to pizza, stir fry, soups, pesto, egg dishes, salad dressings and more!  The white part of the green garlic stalk can be chopped small for raw use, and in even larger pieces when cooked. The green portion of the stalks are tender in the beginning of their life, but tend to toughen later in the season. When cutting the green stalk, observe its toughness. If a cutting knife cuts it with no problem, the greens can be slightly cooked to bring out their best flavor. If the greens’ toughness and stringy-ness make cutting more difficult, be sure to cook them a bit longer until soft and easy to chew.


